Freedom of choice
(or lack thereof)
iHATE People Religion Government |
Freedom of choice, they tell me. Okay, I choose to not wear my seatbelt when I get into a car today. That's my choice. Somehow, though, in total disregard to the constitution of the United States of America (the world's least effective socialist state), that's illegal. You're not allowed to do it, by law, in just about every state in the union. But then again, it's technically illegal to kill yourself... I hear you can get the chair for that. In Texas anyway. I don't like the government telling me what's good for me. My little contribution to civil disobedience (aside from my deep intention to go buy one of those nifty "Punk's not dead" T-shirts) is my not putting on that seatbelt. If the government outlawed bellbottoms, I'd have to rethink my wardrobe. I might be into this whole "doing what you're told" deal if I hadn't been told, over and over, since first fucking grade, that this was a free country. Free, huh? Do you work? Do you take home a paycheck? Your money, right? So tell me what happens when you tell them you don't want to pay their social security bills. Have you ever been laughed at by a fluorescently lit overweight woman with a bad perm and worse make up living in a gray cubicle? That "I pay your salary" rap will get you nowhere, people, it just makes them hate you more. You will pay social security because you will do what you are told, period. It is not your money, it is government money, no matter what you've been told: you will play ball, you are your brother's keeper, you'll pay your bills, and you will cope. Take that income tax return check and buy a TV with the very small fraction of your money that the government decided to give back to you. Yeah, your money. It's not a gift, dipshit, you worked for that. It's financing a senator's summer home, and when you get a couple hundred bucks back, you're thrilled. Where did I sign? When did I ask them to take my money? "Gee, Mr. Government, I can't figure out how to save money, will you deduct some cash from my paycheck monthly?" It's not an option. It's as mandatory as the feds monitoring the T1 lines right now. And why? I asked a Social Security officer once. I asked him why I couldn't invest my money as I saw fit. I asked him why the government felt the need to take care of us. He told me that they couldn't have the people starving in the street... and when I asked him why Americans couldn't just have their money... Here's a direct quote: "They'd probably just spend it on beer and pizza." Excuse me, but-- Fuck you. My life. My car. My money. My beer. My pizza. Most importantly, my country, right? It was a little easier to believe when I was in first grade.